Annual General Meeting & Dinner
Below you will be able to access the minutes from the annual general meeting as well as view various dedications, awards, and certificates handed out each year.
This is a great event that many of our staff, friends, and counterparts look forward to each year.
2023 marks 25 years for Community Inclusions Ltd.
Together, we celebrate our accomplishments.
Together, we work with purpose.

June 17th, 2024 AGM Meeting
Financial & Annual Reports
Elmsdale Community Centre
(Click to view documents)
Awards & Certificates
Pioneer Award
Recognizing significant contributions to persons with intellectual disabilities in West Prince
2023 Recipient - Janet Charchuk
2023 Client Recognition Certificates
(From Left to right)
Lois Ann, Marie, Shirley, Wayne, Lisa, Anita, Christine and Doris.
Awards & Certificates
15 years or more of Service
Recognizing outstanding commitment to Human Services, servicing 15 years or more with Community Inclusions Ltd.
2023 Recipients
Judy Bryan - Cafe Attendant/Baker Assistant,
Maple House Bakery & Cafe