Residential Services
Community Inclusions offers residential services in Alberton, O'Leary and Tignish areas.
Community Inclusions offers Residential Services for individuals between 18 and 65 yrs of age. Some of the homes operated by Community Inclusions requires staff shifts up to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
As well, we also offer respite services and have places at Alberton House and Tignish Group home to accommodate respite needs.
Services in O'Leary
O'Leary - Administration Office
The Residential Coordinator and Residential Support Manager are responsible for overseeing operations at the Tignish and Alberton residences and is also responsible for coordinating Community Based Residential Services throughout Western PEI, which can include respite care, supported apartment living, independent living, room and board options and in-home care providers.
O'Leary Apartments
The O'Leary Apartments provides residential supports for up to eight individuals. This happens through three, two-bedroom apartments and two single-bedroom unit. The apartments are located in O'Leary and are minutes away from the communities amenities. All apartments are oriented towards independent living. Some residential monitoring is provided by Community Inclusions.
Alberton Residential Services
Alberton House
Alberton house provides residential supports for eight individuals This happens through two, two-bedroom apartments and four single bedrooms with a spacious living room and kitchen area as well as other amenities. The residence also has one room for respite.
Tignish Residential Services
Tignish Residence
Tignish Residence provides housing and supports to the five individuals living there. The residence is staffed on a 24-hour basis. Supports include: vocational, recreational, social, living, and employment.
MacLeod Residence
Situated in Tignish, this three-bedroom home provides housing and supports for individuals living there. The residence is staffed on a 24-hour basis. Supports include: vocational, recreational, social, living, and employment.
Graham Lane Residence
Situated in Tignish, this two-bedroom apartment provides housing and various supports. These include: recreational, social and facilitating living skills.