Employment Unit
Community Inclusions Ltd., Employment Program offers services to individuals between the ages of 18-65 with an intellectual disability in the West Prince area. The Employment Program started in 2002 and has been growing ever since.
Employment Unit
The role of the Employment Unit is to assist individuals in career exploration, resume and cover letters, filling out applications, interview preparation, and job searching, Pre-employment is also a big part of the process. Some of these skills may be things like time management, conflict resolution, and money management. The Employment Counselor carries out many of the above roles with an Assistant providing extra support, particularly around pre-employment activities and Job Coaching as part of the role is supporting the individual on the job site.
The employment unit is starting to see more employers that are willing to support the various programs offered. More clients are on the payroll in the community than years before. Employers that the employment unit has worked with in the past has given positive feedback to other businesses in the West Prince area, thus creating more employment opportunities.
We couldn't do it without the partnership of the many other services across Prince Edward Island.
Many of these programs are supported by:
Meet Rebecca. She has been employed with the Town of O'Leary. Original air date of this video was 2019.
Video made possible by the Department of Health & Wellness Grant and Inclusions East.